HYDROLOGICAL (GAUGING) STATIONS for water level, temperature or water flow measurements are located directly on the banks of watercourses and reservoirs, in boreholes or wells, being exposed to difficult weather and terrain conditions.
High humidity and difficult installation conditions require solid compact housing and long-time battery powered solution – all this requirements are fulfilled by e-HydroLOG.
e-HydroLOG solutions allow continuous operation of measuring station throughout the year under unfavourable environment conditions.
case study
See sample implementations:
CROP MANAGEMENT requires access to relevant information in a timely manner. Inadequate weather conditions or upcoming frosts are a priority for every farmer. Our solutions provide innovative multi-parameter crop monitoring technology.
Gathered data helps farmers in many unexpected aspects of planting, such as: threat of diseases, effect of temperature change on plant growth, evapotranspiration or soil humidity.
Revenue is boosted through less money spent on chemicals, irrigation, and better quality of the crops.
case study
See sample implementations:
METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS must provide data from many different sensors, which output a variety of parameters, frequently with a need to log data with a high sampling interval.
Large number of varied inputs, high memory capacity and high energy efficiency…. These are the basic features of professional measuring stations.
e-HydroLOG and e-MeteoLOG devices meet those requirements, being at the same time miniaturised solutions which are easy to install and maintain.
case study
See sample implementations:
Site monitoring
INDUSTRIAL APLICATIONS require multiple I/O connections and wide range of sensors. This is another field of application for our solutions. Great flexibility of our systems allows connection with automation system as well as working independently in a PLC-like manner.
The device is characterised by low energy consumption (power from solar panel) and small housing dedicated for mounting on DIN rails, taking minimum space in the control cabinets.
case study
See sample implementations:
Natural environment
ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS require an individual approach to research. Our solutions work well here as a result of great flexibility while creating an individual project. The devices can be easily camouflaged in the field, so they are less exposed to vandalism.
Our solutions allow you to test even the most sophisticated environmental parameter, starting with water physio-chemistry, fruit and tree diameter, radiation, air toxin concentration, ending in oxygenation of the soil. Virtually, any measurable environmental parameter, can be measured by our device.
case study
See sample implementations:
How it works
Field measurement
The e-HydroLOG monitoring device performs field measurements, for instance of the following parameters:
- precipitation
- surface water level
- ground water level
- soil moisture

Data Transfer to Hydrowskaz.pl
The measuring station transmits current data in a programmable time interval via GPRS. The data is transferred to selected FTP server and then processed by Hydrowskaz.pl
Data from all active measuring stations are collected in Hydrowskaz.pl service, which presents and visualizes gathered data in a user-friendly interface.
The service is available through a web browser and can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection, such as: stationary computer, laptop, tablet or even smartphone.
To see your data at any location, all you need is Internet access and web browser.
Main features:
- Up to date measuring data in a clear form
- Interactive location map of measuring stations
- Notifications of warning and alarm states
- Archive measurement database with an intuitive interactive graphs
- Automatic generation of predefined reports
- Service book of devices with easy access to catalogue cards
Miniature, energy efficient data logger.
e-HydroLOG is a miniature and energy efficient data logger. The main concept of its design is to enable the connection of any sensor and to create a miniaturised, technologically advanced measuring station at low costs. The data logger retrieves data cyclically from connected sensors and stores them in the non-volatile internal memory.
Up to 20 years of battery life
The date logger with its compact size, is designed to work throughout the year in difficult environmental conditions, including rain and snow. The system is designed in a way that can be powered by a miniature solar panel or replaceable high capacity lithium battery.
Easy installation and usage
The installation process is very simple. With the device comes a dedicated mounting handle, which allows for fast installation on a selected site. Replacement of the humidity absorber or the battery is fast and can be done on-site without dismantling the unit. The battery replacement does not require unit reconfiguration – the device works in the same manner as before the replacement.
Simple configuration and data handling
Data retrieval and device configuration are available in several ways: via USB and Bluetooth interface for on-site communication, as well as GPRS data transmission and remote configuration via a public mobile network. The transmission interval can be dynamically and remotely changed with the respect to measured parameters, allowing prompt notifications regarding warning states and alarms, as well as the parameters of the measuring station itself.
e-Hydrolog Compact
Inputsmax. 4 analog, max 1 digital
Types of inputscurrent, voltage, RTD/Pt100, state/counter, SDI-12, MODBUS
Power supplylithium battery 95Whrs up to 20 years
Dimensions500 x 50 mm
Work temperature-40 ... + 70°C
Internal memory16 MB = about 500 000 data sets
Extended memoryup to 2GB SD-card = about 64 000 000 data sets
Ingress protectionclass IP67
CommunicationGPRS and/or Bluetooth
Inputsmax. 8 analog, max 5 digital
Types of inputscurrent, voltage, RTD/Pt100, state/counter, SDI-12, MODBUS
Power supplyLi-ion 18Wh OR 55Wh
Dimensions160x100x80mm or 160x100x60mm
Work temperature-40 ... + 70°C
Internal memory16MB = about 500 000 data sets
Extended memoryup to 2GB SD-card = about 64 000 000 data sets
Ingress protection class IP67
Communication GPRS and/or Bluetooth

Advantages of a monitoring station
FTP for automatic data transmissionPower
Integrated power system, uninterrupted work through the whole yearNotifications
Automatic alarms 24/h, e-mail / SMS / FAXWaterproof
Fully waterproof probe – IP68, waterproof housing, short immersion – IP67Data acquisition
Data readout via USB or Bluetoooth on site, or remote data transmission via GSM / GPRS.References
“…roboty zostały wykonane należycie zgodnie z zasadami sztuki budowlanej oraz prawidłowo i terminowo ukończone.”
“…Z naszej strony jako Zamawiający potwierdzamy, iż przedmiot ten został wykonany w całości i z niezbędną starannością…”
“Usługa została wykonana profesjonalnie, z należytą starannością, w wyznaczonych przez nas lokalizacjach oraz zgodnie ze sztuką budowlaną. Stacje wykonano estetycznie oraz jednolicie.”
“…Zamawiane urządzenia zostały dostarczone w terminie, zgodnie z umową i pracują bez awaryjnie. Zapewniona jest obsługa serwisowa zakupionej aparatury, która wykonywana jest przez firmę Technika IT w sposób terminowy, rzetelny i profesjonalny….”